Monday, 6 January 2020

Monday 6 January 2020 – Gourdon to Foix

Gourdon to Foix - 158 miles

Awoke to a heavy frost and outside minus something, but the heating quickly warmed things up and it wasn't long before the sun came over the hill and melted the frost to make a gorgeous bright blue sky, which persisted all day. Breakfast then discovered a problem with the charge for fuel on Saturday, but a quick call to a very helpful Barclays hopefully has sorted it out – we know what has happened but not sure why and will check again in a couple of days.

With the water tap now unfrozen we did a full service before getting on the road again; this is a lovely little spot and if it hadn't been so cold we felt we could have stayed a day or two, but the sun is calling us............... A really lovely run, though, through a nice part of France we haven't explored before and is on our “places to go back to” list. A fast and reasonably quiet road, we skirted Montaubin and then stopped just before Toulouse for a bit of shopping, lunch and to refuel. We haven't seen any evidence of shortages but needed more to reach Spain and it was only a few pence more per litre than at home.

Toulouse was hectically busy, not helped by the laptop navigator going on strike, but fortunately we carry good maps as backup and had no problems, eventually getting clear and espying the Pyrenes Mountains ahead of us. But it soon became clear that we wouldn't get that far in daylight so, having a reasonable choice of places to stop, we chose a free aire in the largish town of Foix which had reasonable reviews. A bit awkward to find, we eventually arrived at a non-descript motorhome parking area tucked away about 700m from the town centre, with a couple of “permanent” resident, well we suppose you could call an old ambulance and a converted box lorry, “motorhomes”. Not very impressed, especially after the lovely spots we've had up to now, we decided we'd stay but be a bit more “security conscious” as it was a bit late to move on to an alternative. However it is free and there is water and waste disposal. We were joined later by another “proper” van!

Although not as cold as this time yesterday, it's not really warm enough for a look around the town. Andorra is around 100km away so we'll try for an earlier start in the morning.

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