Yesterday was a nice day but cold and breezy, we didn't feel much like going out even if there wasn't a lock-down in France, prohibiting all but essential journeys although dog-walking was okay. So we spent the day catching up on paperwork, reading, hobbies etc. Then an earlyish turn-in as we planned to be moving very early on Sunday.
So up at ridiculous o'clock to the dawning of another bright and breezy day. A couple of vans had come onto the aire last night with the same purpose as us, waiting for the 24 hrs after dog-worming. We tried not to disturb them and after a quick breakfast set off round to the tunnel.
The signs said a train every hour and our boarding pass was issued for the 9.20 however there didn't seem to be an actual schedule running, everyone was just put on the next train, not that there were many. Just half a dozen motorhomes and three coaches, we didn't see any cars boarded. Drove straight through, French not interested as usual, although they did a drugs/firearms sweep, and the UK passport control was the usual friendly face.
The train departed at 8.55 local and we noted that the ride seemed very harsh for the first half of the crossing - square wheels? Whatever, we disembarked onto UK territory at last at 8.30 local and joined the M20 motorway for the long haul back home. Due to the implications of the coronavirus, we'd agreed with Mum that we wouldn't be calling in to see her as normal so just pressed on.
Unlike Spain and France the UK was not (yet) in lock-down and we were surprised at how much traffic there was, although it was quieter than usual, even for a Sunday. Stopped a few times, at Birchanger for a comfort stop and cuppa, another loo break at Peterborough then a lunch break at Markham Moor. Mid-afternoon Jamie started whimpering and whining so we pulled into Wetherby to give him a run and a much-needed poo - which he hasn't done since his worming so he probably needed it quite badly!
Weather stayed nice for the trip and we finally pulled up at home at 4.55 pm, deciding on a cuppa first before tackling the chore of unloading. Just the essentials tonight and we'll do the rest tomorrow.
It's very nice to go travelling, but it's oh so nice to come home!
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