Yesterday was just a
chillout day and as we were parked under trees it was pleasantly cool
for a change. Some comings and goings early and late but as most go
into Fes for the day it was quiet. Caught up on some TV for a change
before an earlyish night as we planned to go to Chefchouan tomorrow
So a standardish start
with the usual routine and once clear made our way to the local
Marjane to stock up with enough to see us to Spain early next week
then programmed TomTom. Which is when we realised just how far we had
planned and realised it would be very late by the time we got there
and there were no suitable stopping places in between.
A rapid rethink and
we decided to forget Chefchouan for this year and instead go to
Moulay Bousselham for a couple of days before returning to Spain. It
was still going to be a longish drive and much of it was
cross-country, but first we had to get out of Fes which itself was
enough for one day. Unfortunately the best route lay straight through
the various populated areas that make up Fes in general and as it was
just coming on to the lunch-time rush hour it was interesting! But
then we turned a corner and literally were out into the countryside –
no general lessening it was busy built-up then nothing. Weird!
Now we were in the low
Rif where it was quite different geologically and, we have to say,
the population although still Berber Arab were a little different
too. We had heard about protests that the people of the Rif felt
abandoned by the government and it did seem to us that nothing like
as much money had been spent here, evidenced by as much as anything
else by the state of the roads. Variable with potholes is perhaps a
good description so progress was not as fast as we had hoped. We also
had a few problems when hordes of schoolchildren tried to mob us but
we managed to get through without hurting anybody or anything – a
little frightening although we're sure they didn't mean any harm.
We're back in the
well-cultivated part of Morocco here and before long we were rolling
into Moulay Bousselhem and Camping International, where we have
stayed a few times before. A lot busier than we've seen previously
although we managed to find a nice spot with an electricity post that
worked – a rarity as anyone who has been before will acknowledge.
However the one thing we had forgotten was that being close to a
sea-lagoon it was also prone to midgies which instantly said “oh
goody, fresh meat” and went straight for Bren. Nets, flyspray etc
managed to keep them at bay but she was bitten several times so the
anti-histamine tablets came out.
Our plan now is have a
quietish day cleaning and tidying before heading up to Asilah as the
last jumping off point before the ferry back to Spain.
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